Dr. Enel Fertil
Visionary Pastor-Teacher
Biblical Counselor
Ph: 239- 214- 0809
Pastor Enel: Married Guerlène in 2003; two beautiful daughters (Zakiri and Evie).
Personal Testimony: Conversion (1987) & Baptism (1988). Unimaginably, I grew up in church without having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In 1987, upon recognizing my sinfulness and need for Christ, (through Br. Clement's influence) I responded in faith to the Gospel message. Shortly thereafter, my mother and other local believers discussed my decision with me and helped to solidify my commitment to Christ who saved my life.
Calling: Very early I knew that I was called to the gospel ministry although I had no clue what that meant. During my college years, the call to the gospel ministry could not escape my mind. Nonetheless, I continued to pursue my self-centered career objectives until the summer of 2003 when I forsook everything to pursue that call. I married my wife, Guerlène, and together we went to Dallas Theological Seminary for training. Today, I am grateful for serving the Lord through Bethel Bible Fellowship Church with one mission in mind: "to disciple people for a committed, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and one another."
Guerlène's Personal Testimony: Conversion (1984) & Baptism (1997). Although I grew up in a Christian family, I am so thankful to God who led me to respond in faith to the Gospel message. I became a born-again believer in Jesus Christ through my mother's influence. She instilled the “sincere faith” in me—the very faith that first dwelt in her (cf. 2 Tim. 1:5). Thereafter, both my mother and my local church were instrumental in strengthening my commitment to my Savior, Jesus Christ.
Calling: Right after God gave me my husband, his calling to the gospel ministry also substantiated God’s personal call to me into ministry. Together, we embraced God’s call to the gospel ministry. Without flinching, we went to Dallas Theological Seminary for training immediately after we got married. God has orchestrated the match and the plan for ministry so perfectly. Today, by God’s grace, Enel and I planted Bethel Bible Fellowship Church, in Fort Myers Florida. Together, we serve alongside of each other in "Discipling people for a committed, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and one another."
Titbits: I enjoy teaching, reading, cooking, traveling, cleaning, and especially spending quality time with my family.

Guerlène Fertil
Christian Education Director

Discipling people for a committed, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and one another.
Being a multi-cultural Christian fellowship church committed to discipling people to relationally commit to Christ and fellow believers through Christian education, fellowship, worship, and evangelism that outreaches our unchurched friends and people in the Fort Myers and surrounding areas and the world at large.
Discipleship, Commitment, Service